
“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


91辦畦 Sixth Form Applications Now Open!


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91辦畦 Ski Trip 2024

During the second week of the Easter holidays, 94 students travelled to Passo Tonale in Italy for the annual ski trip.

The students had varied ski experience, but all made fantastic progress. Even the students who had never stepped foot in a pair of skis were skiing competently across the mountain by the end of the week. Great effort and resilience was shown by all, as they conquered the set skills led by the ski instructors.

The weather was fantastic throughout the week with bright sunshine most days, and we were even treated to some snow while we were there, which gave students a different but equally enjoyable perspective on skiing.

Well done to all involved, you were a pleasure to have on the trip!

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100 Club Ice Creams!

WSSC held its very own 100 Club event for the final half term of the year! This was to celebrate those students who achieved 100%

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